

Students in 杰奎琳·麦克劳克林’s "生物学版230W:细胞与分子" course are participating in a new Course-Based Undergraduate Experience (治疗) which focuses on developing optimal cell culture conditions to study the glycocalyx of mammalian aortic endothelial cells using state-of-the-art methods.


宾州中央谷. — 中国博彩平台's new partnership with a leading international biotech company will help develop qualified researchers of tomorrow.

杰奎琳·麦克劳克林, Lehigh Valley professor of biology and founding director of the Penn State CHANCE program, 和郑郁美, 实验室技术员, 合作开发了一种新的基于课程的本科体验(治疗), which focuses on developing optimal cell culture conditions to study the glycocalyx of mammalian aortic endothelial cells using state-of-the-art methods. 为此,McLaughlin和Jeong与生物技术公司AMSBIO合作.

作为合作的一部分, 到目前为止,AMSBIO已经捐赠了大约3美元,000 of molecular biology reagents plus technical expertise to assist with this undergraduate research endeavor. 中国博彩平台的学生选修生物专业课程,”生物学版230W:细胞与分子," are already engaging in this CURE and have expressed excitement about its potential.

Working with AMSBIO aligns directly with McLaughlin’s commitment to undergraduate research and giving her students as many opportunities as possible to do real science, 她说.

“与远近的实体建立伙伴关系一直是我的方式, 是学术上的, 政府, non-政府 or corporate that can support and augment undergraduate research that is authentic and valuable to society,麦克劳克林说.

McLaughlin is also known for her work creating Course-based Undergraduate 研究 Experiences (CUREs).

“A CURE is an immersive lab activity that engages a whole class of students in addressing a research question or problem that is of interest to the scientific community and society in general,她说. "Yu Mi and I developed this new CURE to address the problem of endothelial dysfunction, a common and early event in cardiovascular disease (CVD) which happens when damage occurs to the thin layer of cells that lines our blood vessels. Understanding the vascular endothelium helps minimize the risk of developing CVD and its manifestations, 比如心脏病发作, 动脉粥样硬化, 受损的血管舒张, 炎症和中风.” 

在研发出治愈方法之后, next came the most critical components — funding to support the cell and molecular reagents needed and state-of-the art immunofluorescent microscopic protocols to be followed.

“我们列了一个愿望清单,列出了需要的东西,并确定了这个治疗的效果, 特别是, 将会花费,她说. “光买试剂就要3000多美元. I couldn’t think of a better partner than AIMSBIO — the biotech company who develops and sells the highest quality antibodies and fluorescent probes for cell research. 所以,我打电话给他们!”  

根据该公司的网站, AMSBIO’s mission is to be a profitable premier provider of quality life science research reagents and services helping customers develop innovative methods, 流程, 产品, 和药品. AMSBIO offers unique partnerships for the global market to small- and mid-sized manufacturers, 学术团体, and revenue-generating biotech and by providing state-of-the-art and cost-effective solutions to end users and partners.


“Students are now using a cutting-edge technique wherein they use a biotinylated antibody and a streptavidin fluorescent tag to localize components of the glycocalyx of cultured bovine aortic epithelial cells,Jeong说.

兴奋地, 她说, this partnership is set to further than just providing reagents and procedural advise. Company representatives will be part of a panel discussion next semester focused on careers in biotech.

“AIMSBIO的员工都是杰出的科学家. It’s important for our students to see what niches can be filled in the biotech field and how best to enter the job market. AMSBIO认为有必要帮助培训未来的生物技术员工,”McLaughlin说.

She called it a “win-win” partnership — AMSBIO provides the reagents students need to conduct research, 反过来, 中国博彩平台利哈伊山谷培养了一批训练有素的, AMSBIO和其他雇主的熟练生物技术研究人员.

Jeong has benefited from working on the CURE initiative professionally, as well.

“Through co-developing a new biotech-related CURE for cell biology at [中国博彩平台], 我有机会利用新的免疫荧光法, imaging software capabilities and quantitative analytical approaches in cell biology, resulting in more accurate experimental results and simplified experiment procedures for our students,Jeong说. “个人, 这些经历为我提供了新的见解和技能, 允许我在细胞培养研究领域的专业成长.” 

Both McLaughlin and Jeong are getting the ultimate benefit, however, they said. 

"We get satisfaction watching students mature into competent scientific researchers,麦克劳克林说. 
